In digital commerce, a user requires several services like storage, application software, analytics, databank,  network, intelligence, and more just to make it work innovative, flexibly, or securely. For fulfilling the above-mentioned requirements a great way is cloud computing which may let you free yourself from suffering anymore. 

Cloud computing services work with the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pricing model. The service can be used by anyone whether it is an individual or a company but the top using companies are Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, & Google. 

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing refers to the availability of computer resources such as computer storage, computing power, server, database, etc over the internet. The accessibility of computing services is delivered without the direct management of the user. 

The single cloud is named a “data center” and the collection of multiple data centers is called a “cloud”. Only large clouds have the ability to distribute computing resources at several locations within a single time.

How Cloud Computing Works?

As cloud computing is a decentralized place used by millions of people so it does share information using satellite networks. Each and every cloud computing application works by having a host of companies. 

Additionally, does maintain a large amount of data centers that help support cloud infrastructure by providing storage capacity, computer power, and security. The customers have to pay the required amount for using the clouds as well as the ecosystem services that help to convey in the middle of devices & programs. 

The user or hosting companies can sell the right to use their clouds and store data to anyone in their network. While offering ecosystem services to the end users that can communicate between the devices and the programs. For Example, If you download any song then you can automatically find it in the song app. 

Benefits of Cloud Computing Service

As 90% of organizations have transmitted their business in the light of cloud computing services. So, have a look at all the benefits that the organizations are getting from it and upsurging their growth. 

benifits of cloud computing
  1. Cloud Computing does save the organization from spending on the capital expenses like purchasing software or hardware. Also, the cost of setting up the application and running on-site data centers. Furthermore, it does reduce operational costs, maintenance, and upgrade expenses.
  1. The computing services do provide their own on-demand or self-services that make them work speedily. Despite the fact that it can supply a colossal amount of computer resources in just minutes. 
  1. Cloud services maintain the global scale for delivering the right services to the right geographical location and to the exact person. 
  1. In reference to productivity, cloud computing is also the superior approach since it helps organizations in handling “big data” efficiently. Moreover, it does allow you to access the more advanced and effective work of the applications at the time of your utilization. 
  1. There are multiple metrics are available in cloud computing and by using them you can easily evaluate your cloud resources. Additionally, ensure that your all components’ communication is going seamlessly. 

Types of Cloud Computing

To take cloud computing into use first you need to determine the cloud computing architecture or the cloud deployment that your cloud can implement. After selecting the right architecture, you can go for the required cloud computing out of three. The three computing services are Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud. Let’s have in-depth knowledge about these three. 

types of cloud computing

Private Cloud

  • A private cloud is an infrastructure that is dedicated through a single organization or business and does not share with other entities. The private cloud is the one that is physically located in the on-site data center of the company. 
  • Several companies pay third-party service providers for hosting their private cloud. An example of the private cloud is the HPE (Hewlett-Packard Enterprise). 

Public Cloud

  • Public cloud is those cloud services that are operated by third-party cloud service providers. The public clouds are available on-demand for the organization or the individuals over publicized internet. 
  • In the public cloud all the supporting infrastructures, software, and hardware do manage by the cloud providers. And for using them you just need a web browser and then you get this access for managing your account. 

Hybrid Cloud

  • The Hybrid cloud is a mixture of both, the private cloud as well as the public cloud bounded by the technologies. The Hybrid cloud allows you to share the data and the applications with each other. 
  • Using the hybrid cloud your business gets more flexibility, deployment options, customization, protection, and conformity. Not only but also you can get better support for the remote workforce and improve security and risk management.

Types of Cloud Services

After getting the types of cloud computing let’s get to know the different types of cloud services. Generally, there are four types of cloud services that are popular globally. These services are also called the “Cloud Computing Stack” since they all are built up on the basis of each other. 

Let’s check how these types of cloud services are different from each other and what additional features they provide each other. 

  • Iaas (Infrastructure as a service): 

The Iaas or Haas (Hardware as a service) is the most basic type of cloud computing service. In this category of cloud service, computer resources are supplied by a cloud service provider. These services let the user free from maintaining an on-premises data center and also provide them the storage, visualization, network, and server to the user. 

  • Paas (Platform as a service): 

The Paas or Platform as services provides the on-demand environment to the developers for building, testing, running, and managing software applications. It is specifically designed for helping developers with their development process. 

  • Saas (Software as a service): 

Software as a service is a method for licensing and delivering software applications on the internet basis on subscription. The Saas is also known as Web-hosted software, on-demand software, and web-based software. Here the user can connect to the delivered software application through a web browser like pc, mobile, tablet, etc. This model is particularly effective when companies market SaaS products to a broad audience, leveraging the internet's reach and accessibility

  • Serverless Computing: 

It is a cloud-native development model that enables the user to build the functions of the software application without having to manage servers. Under serverless computing, the cloud provider handles the planning capacity, server management, and setup process itself. 

Uses of Cloud Computing 

All online performances include cloud computing even if you don't know what the cloud is, then also you are one of its users. Listening to music on Spotify or live, watching the movie, playing games, sending emails, docs, TV, editing, etc are only possible via the CC approach. 

Not openly but behind the scenario, cloud computing makes all the above-mentioned performances achievable.

  • Virtual Data Storage: The cloud services help you in accessing and storing the database like files, pictures, audio, videos, etc on the cloud storage. 
  • Streaming the A/V: The cloud allows you to record or live any media content and delivered it to computers or mobile devices so that it can be played later in real-time. For example, Netflix uses AWS Lambda for building a rule-based self-managing infrastructure to be more efficient and errorless.
  • Evaluating and Analyzing: The clouds make monitoring the developing process very simple. It will help you in managing all traditional methods like time-consuming environments, high-cost setup procedures of IT resources, infrastructure, manpower, etc. 
  • Instant delivery and Updatation: Using the Saas (Software as a Service) category of cloud computing, you are able to supply the software applications timely.  It also allows you to offer the latest version of the application and update functionalities of the software around the customer anytime or at any location. 
  • Anti-malware: It will enable your software application to become virus free by monitoring and fixing them within a specific period of time. In the early time, people have to access particular software for detecting security threats but now cloud computing will handle it along with other performances.