In today's fast-paced digital workplace, efficiently managing access requests can be a significant challenge. This blog post explores a powerful Google Apps Script solution that automates the process of handling access requests received via email, updating a Google Sheet, and sharing Google Drive documents accordingly.

The Problem

Many organizations face a common scenario: team members frequently request access to various documents, and manually processing these requests can be time-consuming and error-prone. This is where our Google Apps Script comes to the rescue!

The Solution

Our script performs the following key functions:

1. Processes unread emails with a specific label
2. Extract sender information and requested document details
3. Updates a Google Sheet with new requests
4. Share the requested document with the sender
5. Mark the email as read
6. Sends notifications to a Google Workspace Chat

main components of this automation:

1. Email Processing

The processUnreadEmails() function is the heart of our script. It searches for unread emails with a specific label ("Access Requests" in this case) and processes each one:

2. Data Extraction and Sheet Update

For each email, the script extracts the sender's name, email address, and the requested document name. It then checks if the email already exists in the Google Sheet and adds a new row if it doesn't:

3. Document Sharing

The script searches for the requested document in Google Drive and shares it with the sender:

Automated Trigger

To ensure continuous operation, the script sets up a time-based trigger to run every 30 minutes:

Additional Features

The script also includes functions for revoking access to Google Sheets and Google Docs, as well as sending email notifications about these actions. These features provide additional control and transparency in managing document access.


This Google Apps Script showcases the power of automation in streamlining administrative tasks. By automating the process of handling access requests, organizations can:

  1. Save time and reduce manual errors
  2. Provide faster response to access requests
  3. Maintain an accurate log of all access grants
  4. Easily revoke access when needed

While this script is tailored for a specific workflow, the concepts and techniques demonstrated here can be adapted to a wide range of automation needs in Google Workspace environments.

Remember to always test scripts thoroughly and ensure they comply with your organization's security policies before implementing them in a production environme