The development of artificial intelligence will, sooner or later, completely change our lives. It is just a technology, and the users need to utilize it intelligently. That is precisely why editors, marketers, and content creators increasingly utilize AI-driven content development. Tools like the Smodin rewriter tool not only boost the quality and overall effectiveness of the content but also vastly improve the productivity of the creators. 

Let us closely determine the fundamental aspects of this content improvement. We also need to understand various industry trends, which is crucial for industry professionals to form a neutral perspective on AI use. 

World Trends In the Use of AI In Marketing

In-depth research into modern AI technologies indicates major shifts in the evolving domain of digital marketing. Recent research suggests that there has been an ever-growing interest in AI-based web development solutions across numerous industries. 

Trends also suggest that many businesses are wary of using AI technology to create content for their website. Major concerns include a reduction in quality and lower site rankings, among other things.

However, let's look at it from a different perspective.

In recent times, the number of people who go to search engines to look for the information they want has gone down. Previously, Google was considered a completely dominant force in the area of digital content. Everyone adjusted to its algorithms, and marketers built a chain of communication strategies with clients that considered all the algorithms of this search engine.

Since 2015, Google's share began to fall. There are many reasons for this:

  • Lagging in the field of AI development.

  • Reduction in the quality of search results for the consumer (now there is only advertising).

If earlier marketers planned all the website's content based on search engine requirements, now you can consider other options. What if the share of consumers continues to fall or even decrease to a minimum? Many services, such as the Chat GPT, are now available and, most importantly, free.

At the moment, you can even search for products on the Internet using artificial intelligence. If AI models continue to improve, very soon, such platforms can become the primary source of information about any subject. Copywriters, marketers, and editors have become greatly aware of the immediate need to follow the search engine rules. Are search engines still dominant? Yes, For the next five years, they will still be dominant. However, in the far future, no one can predict what can happen. 

What is the Smodin Rewriter Tool?

It is a fascinating tool to recreate or rewrite existing texts or paragraphs. The texts and paragraphs can be a part of presentations, webpages, or even the original work of the authors.  

Marketing specialists often spend a lot of time preparing reports and rewriting the same text in different ways.

The rewriter tool proposes to resolve this issue and save time for other crucial strategic works. We agree that spending the freed-up hours researching competitors is better than rewriting a monthly report for clients.

Here are the advantages the tool offers when using its functionality:

  • Multilingualism. The tool can rewrite part of the text or a paragraph and accurately translate it into another language. So marketers erase the boundaries and can work all over the world. Even here, the functionality is ahead of the long-loved Google Translate.

  • Accuracy and grammar. If you are worried about grammatical errors, the service will correct them all according to the language in which you want to receive the final version.

  • Uniqueness. You have the option to set the strength of the tool. By default, it is set to 3. After signing up, you can even set it to 4 to improve its quality. In the end, you will get a 100% original document without any plagiarism or grammatical issues. 

  • Multilingual support. You can share documents in multiple languages. 

  • Large volumes. It can even be a literary work. There is no restriction on the kind of document you can rework; the tool can be used for both official purposes and personal use. For example, to read an essential dissertation in a language you do not know.

  • The tool is also free of cost and you can test it to see if it suits your requirements. For up to strength level 3, the tool also does not require any sign-up. 

  • The tool is trusted by a wide range of professionals all around the world. 

Who and When Can Use AI for Texts

The main advantage of artificial intelligence is reducing the number of monotonous tasks. Let us explore who can benefit from AI tools like Smodin through the following points: 

  • AI writers. You work with a large volume of information and texts. You need to generate new rewrites every time. At the same time, if you use a specific AI web development for writing, it can give you very similar versions every time. Management may not accept them since they want them to read more interesting content. So, a rewriter tool can become beneficial in such cases. 

  • Marketers: As already stated above, a considerable number of marketers leverage AI platforms for content creation all around the world. The variety of application areas includes making quality presentations, recreating monthly reports for various clients, writing effective speeches for events and meetings, and exploring ideas for banners and slogans, etc. You may have an actual brainstorming session with your AI editor. For example, give it the task of rewriting a slogan you created ten times. The assistant will generate several options while preserving the essence of your marketing idea, and you will choose the most successful version.

  • Copywriters. A large volume of text often requires editing. For example, the customer wants to preserve the essence but make the text more exciting or simply different.

There are many pros that an editor can try in practice. If you are into modern web development, you can make your task more creative with the help of these AI tools. 


You can systematize your work; remove manual intervention in monotonous and time-consuming tasks and create an environment where all things can be automated. Saving time and optimizing resources is very important for all professionals to achieve high productivity and desired results. 

It is better to spend working hours on more intellectual tasks than rewriting the same texts. For example, consider making a content strategy for the next month or conducting a more detailed analysis of achievements over the past period. With an AI platform, these tasks can become smooth and easy. 

Integrating modern technologies and AI-powered platforms for content creation drives productivity and yields multifaceted benefits. So, integrate such platforms into your work process and let your working hours become even more productive.