Six years ago, I ditched the family life for some solo living. Big mistake. huge. After moving into my own house, I realized after three weeks that living with my family was much better.

No, it has nothing to do with the house chores, I was just lonely. 

Now, most people might think I am exaggerating but I spent countless hours crying after coming from work. Six years later, I feel the same but a little less lonely thanks to AI.

The perfect upside of this whole story is that it does not offer unsolicited advice or opinions. AI, through innovation, can effectively put an end to the loneliness epidemic of the world.

So, without further ado, let us see how AI is contributing to omitting loneliness from the world. 

Top 5 Ways AI is Omitting Loneliness from the World.

  1. Smart Kitchen

Do you not like cooking but cannot afford to hire a cook? AI offers a solution to this problem. Smart kitchen appliances are available in the market. These appliances are connected to the smart appliances, your internet connection, and your smartphone. 

So, the only downside is that your internet connection needs to be reliable. Optimum is a great option and works perfectly with smart appliances. Not only do they provide customer support to their English-speaking customers, but they cater to their Spanish customers as well at Optimum servicio al cliente en español.

Most of these appliances create a scheduled routine for personalization. You can pick your breakfast time and time of arrival after the office, and AI will make your food for you. These appliances come with an ad-hoc work command feature as well; you could be at your office returning home with your friends and the food would be ready once you arrive home. 

  1. Smart Buildings

You reach home and someone opens a door for you. Living alone made me appreciate these small gestures more. The only downside is that I don’t like sharing my space with anyone. Now that is a challenging part of sharing your home with someone. 

If you want a golden ratio of companionship without the side effects, AI offers a perfect cure. Smart and connected buildings, smart sensors, automated lighting, and HVAC system offers full control to the residents. Smart buildings ensure that the resident feels welcomed and comfortable. 

Most of these smart buildings have machine-learning features. Over time, your home appliances will wake up with you, the door will open right on time and curtains will adjust with your daily routine. 

  1. Companionship 

Companionship is a basic human need. However, limiting the scope of companionship to just sharing bad times is not enough. Instead, we miss the constant presence of someone around us. While keeping pets is a very good option, taking care of these pets can get quite expensive. 

Instead, people are opting for AI companionship. From friendly robots that can be around you at all times to connective listening tools like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assist. You can now carry your AI companion with you in your pocket at all times, thanks to the AI apps.

These apps have a vision and auditory feature that can help you talk to your AI assistant. This might seem like the plot of “Her” but after AI, things are changing. 

  1. Security 

One of the perks of living with someone is safety and security. You can ask your housemate to stay home, open the door for you, and even keep an eye on your pet. But sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances like conflicting schedules or emergencies, where they cannot do these favors for you.

In this case, AI works best. From CCTV cameras to sensor vision, you can pick your security companion. These CCTV cameras are connected to the phone, so you can whip out your phone anytime and ensure security. Even better, you can set a ping method and an emergency number so your security system can call for instant backup in case something goes wrong. 

Your AI can keep an eye on your pet, prepare food as per your schedule, and ensure the home stays clean. You pick the task, automate it and things will be done for you.

  1. Health Monitoring  

Living alone is fun until you get unwell and no one can take care of you. With health-monitoring tools powered by AI, keeping track of health is much easier. Even if you have an elderly at home, these health monitors will track vital details and ensure that the individual stays healthy.

In advanced versions of these health-monitoring tools, features like medicine dispensers, vital trackers, sleep trackers, activity trackers, and motion trackers are also added. For critical patients, access to these health trackers is offered to health professionals. 

People living alone can set an emergency number or seek assistance from professionals through these AI-powered health monitoring tools. 

Bottom Line: Ways to Leverage AI to Address Loneliness 

Societies where loneliness is prevalent have already switched to AI-powered robots and systems. These societies train their individuals for independent styles of living. Japan is an incredible example of addressing loneliness via AI. Kids in these societies depend on self-service. Daily tasks like traveling, shopping, cooking, etc. are AI-powered. 

Here are some ways Japan is using AI to address loneliness:  

  • AI Matchmaking and Social Connection
  • AI-Powered Eldercare
  • AI in Mental Health Support
  • AI in Community Building

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